Thursday, December 4, 2008

How do mom's know so much?

I logged onto my blog today and realized it's been quite a while since I posted anything. I don't have any new pictures, but Addie made me laugh the other day. After I fed the girls lunch I put her down for a nap, as we do every day. I went downstairs to work on a project and who would you know came down about 15 minutes later. She just walked in the room and said, "Umm, that was a good nap." I thought this was very clever of her, but what amused me the most was remembering back to the day when I tried the same thing on my mom. It didn't work for me either! How do mom's know so much?


Soccer Mom said...

I'm not sure, but all three of our girls have done that at least once!!!!

Lana said...

LOL- She is so adorable I would have let her get away with it. But Im sure two hours later I would also regret that decision!!

wendysue said...

I love that. I'm sure she let out a big sigh with it too. Whitney always says all excited "I waked up mom!" and I say "um, no, you never went to sleep.", "oh, yeah, right."