Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Time Out!

Karen and Elizabeth have been asking me to come back for Time Out For Women since before I left. I really wanted to go, but didn't feel like I should spend the money to make the trip. I guess I got over that because a little over a month ago I booked a flight to Omaha and found a couple of Grandma's to stay with my kids. I really had a great time catching up with friends and staying up late laughing. Look how tall I've grown since I moved away!

This is just a really great shot of Karen. She and Elizabeth thought it was really fun to take a bazillion pictures with my camera. Although this was my favorite, the one of the strange lady walking by was a close second. Oh wait, my second favorite was the one of Karen's second and third chin.

Here is the group of ladies that I went with. Most of them I already knew, but a couple were new to Nebraska since I'd left. Tracy and I discovered that we both grew up in Idaho only she attended our rival high school. I guess she turned out alright despite the obstacles she faced. Just Kidding! We all enjoyed the speakers and came away feeling glad we had attended the meeting.

Only Karen had trouble with the Mime statue pinching her butt.

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