Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School

We always have "ABC 123" pancakes for breakfast on the first day of school. This was the first year that I had to do it twice because Emillie leaves for school 2 hours before the younger kids. She was just as excited as they were to get this traditional breakfast!
Emillie hates shopping, but we managed to find her a few cute tops and some cute jeans. This was her favorite! If it looks dark in her picture...that's because it was! She is in 8th grade and leaves at 6:30 to meet her friends and catch the bus. I wonder how Taralee is going to like those early mornings next year when she is catching the bus with her.
Round 2 of "ABC 123" pancakes. It is so hard to get a normal face on JR for a picture.
See what I mean....he is all clown! He gets to ride his bike to and from school which is about 1 mile from our house. He is in the 2nd grade this year.
Taralee is in 5th grade this year and it is her last year in Elementary School. She walks to her school which is just a few blocks down the street. My 3 kids are in 3 different schools. I was thinking ahead and when Emillie is a senior in high school my 5 kids will be in 5 different schools. That makes my brain hurt!


QnA Drapers said...

How come your kids keep getting older but you don't? They look so cute- and you get an A+ for making two breakfasts for them!

kteuscher said...

Why didn't you just make all the pancakes at once then heat them up in the microwave? Why do you have to be so ambitious!!! My kids had the traditional cold cereal for the first day of school!

I wish those kids were headed to Cavett!

Katie Allen said...

I found your blog through a friends. Congrats of finishing dental school and welcome back to the real world! When I was looking at your blog I noticed a couple of people that I think I know. Your friends Dave and Amber from dental school, is their last name Page? Please Email me if it is. Amber was a good friend of mine from Hygiene school and I have lost contact with her. Last I knew they were at USU. My email is
It was fun to see how you and your family has changes. What a fun family.
Katie (Kelley) Allen
If you don't remember me my parents are Byron and LuAnn Kelley